40 percent Part-count Reduction in an Actuator

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When FlexSys was challenged with the task of reducing the part-count of an outside automotive mirror actuator, Distributed Compliant design was the answer. Through its application, and some out-of-the-box thinking, a new actuator emerged that reduced the number of parts to assemble, and reduced the gear train to reduce backlash. 

Patented and available for license


Benchmarking of legacy mirror actuators was conducted

Benchmarking of legacy mirror actuators was conducted

Benchmarking was conducted on existing actuators to evaluate design characteristics and costs. Several new design approaches were explored. One stood out from the others and was prototyped for design confirmation. 

The prototype confirmed that this design can reduce the number of parts from 18 to 7, a remarkable 40% reduction in part-count. With further refinement in tolerances and gear mesh, we believe this design will perform as good as, or better than, current production designs.  ... interested? Contact Us Today!

Simplistic rendering of an actuator utilizing Distributed COmpliance in its design.

Simplistic rendering of an actuator utilizing Distributed COmpliance in its design.